Friday, January 25, 2013

Social Pariah and Visable Tattoos

I was listening to NPR yesterday after dropping the tiny tot off at preschool and they were discussing on-line privacy issues. More specifically, they discussed the crazy-insane amount of information that Facebook gathers from its bagillion users. Of course the program also talked about employers searching potential employees as a standard part of the hiring process. I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have to clean up my internet presence if I was to interview for a real job in the future. I don’t know what kind of “real” job that would be- but am I already screwing myself out of a potential job just by writing my blog?
I am honest, maybe to a fault, and I put out a lot of my thoughts out there for public consumption. I find it a fabulous outlet to maintain my voice in a sometimes mundane daily life that rarely requires higher level thinking. Fortunately, Dora walks me right through her adventures, with the help of Map. So, lets say that I wanted to be a teacher- I assume my blog antics might cost me the job educating children. I curse, I drink and I am very pro-choice. I voted for Obama, I like reading smutty books and I have tattoos.
Speaking of tattoos…I have three tattoos, none that are visible. I haven’t gotten a tattoo since 2001, and I think that means it’s about damn time for another one. My husband HATES tattoos. He HATES that I want to get another one. But- like the good wife I am, I have delayed my desire for more decorative body art…until now. I have been searching for the perfect tattoo and I found it!! Wahoo!!  I am getting it on the underside of my left wrist. (Yes, I have heard this is a super painfully area. Shut it) But, now I am wondering if I am further alienating my chances to enter the work force later?
Do I care? Do I really want a job that wouldn’t hire me based on my adorable visible tattoo? Do I really want to work for a company that won’t hire me because I like to blog about politics? Do I really want to work for a company that thinks my use of Fuck is too flagrant? Eh, I sure hope not. Honestly, I have no true intention to gain full-time employment out in the “real world”. I don’t even know what I would do if I were to find a Mon-Fri gig with benefits and a salary. Currently my benefits are staying in my pajamas all day and my salary is hugs and kisses. But, despite my blogging, my cursing and my penchant for tattoos, my tiny employers still love me anyways. At this point, I suppose I wouldn’t have it any other way. I need to follow my heart- and my heart is firmly entrenched with my family.
My super cool tattoo.

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