Friday, October 28, 2011

Spinning Babies

Alright, a 37 week update on this sweet little baby boy...
He is transverse. He is laying sideways, like in a hammock on the beach waiting for a cocktail and someone with a palm frond to fan him. I mean, can you blame him? Who wants to spend their time hanging upside down? He isn't a vampire! However, he is making my desire for a happy, healthy, "normal" birth that much more difficult.
I went to an acupuncturist this past Thursday to see if that helps encourage him to flip. There are also some herbal pills that are supposed to aid in his flipping potential, so I am taking those...THEN, I have a chiropractic appointment to also help him make a little flip-a-roo.
I know this all sounds a bit crazy, but if I don't try, I will never know. I really don't want to have a repeat c-section. The recovery from major surgery sucked the first time around. Although, to be honest, if we did schedule a c-section (assuming he wont flip) our families can plan when to come in town, Jeff can schedule his work around the would be much easier in a planning sense.
I have until my next doctors appointment to see if he flips, if not, we schedule a c-section for the following week. Then, before the c-section, he will check again to see if the little boy is cooperating. If not, we go for a c-section, if he flips, we hope that I go into labor!
I admit, the unknown is driving me nuts. But, I will do what I can and he will do what he can...either way, we will be meeting this sweet little boy very soon!

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