Thursday, June 28, 2012

Compassion Care.

Today the Supreme Court, the highest court in all the land (that sounded like a line from a fairy tale), ruled that the Affordable Care Act was infact constitutional and upheld the plan. So, now I am SUPREMELY (see what I did there) confused why this is a bad thing. I do not want to hear: because the government cannot mandate me to take care of my health. Give me another reason. Something concrete, something that sounds less like a whiny child having to share a toy and something more serious.

I am all for Obamacare. I am all for pitching in to help out others. I am all for the greater good. I am all for betterment of those less fortunate, those with pre existing conditions, those that need an opportunity to help themselves. I find it selfish when I read all the posts of incredibly mean rhetoric.

Celebrate today for what it is, a amazing day for: People with pre existing conditions, families with children under 26 who can keep their children on their health insurance policies, women who can no longer be charged higher premiums then men, 30 millions uninsured who now have access, seniors, and small businesses. And most impressivly, an amazing day for compassion!

I simply do not understand how, in this day in age, we can look at our neighbor and say, fuck you. Fuck you because you dont have money, fuck you because you job doesn't offer insurance, fuck you because you are a women, fuck you because you were born with a heart defect and are denied coverage because you are too much of a liability, fuck you because I make money and refuse to pay more into the system because I prefer my neighbor out of sight and out of mind. There is already too much hatred and ill will in this world, why add to the glut?

To continue to be one of the "greatest" nations on Earth, we must have a population of healthy and educated people. We are getting fatter and less intelligent by the day. (Proven to by the yokels who have commented on all the news posts today)I am proud to believe in the wellfare of others and my heart truly breaks for those so completly isolated from needs outside their own. I hope civility is not lost, although it seems as though it is a dying art.

Happy Compassion Day!

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