Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cursing and F$%king Extremism

Check it out! My blog is so popular; I have people asking me to talk about specific topics! J. Solomon of Aubrey, Texas has asked me to write on the topic of extremism in politics. He also informed me that my “inflammatory verbiage…bothers him”.  Well, J. Solomon of Aubrey, TX, I accept your challenge and have been pondering this idea of extremism for the last 2-3 minutes and have this to say on the subject:

WHAT THE FUCK?? I am your wife and you are obligated to have my back no matter what crazy shit spews from my mouth or from my fingertips…it’s in the marriage contract, right after love and honor.  You vow to support your wife and believe everything she says and agree with her ALL of the time or she is liable to go ape shit whacko and kill some mother fuckers!

Haha, I am just kidding. This is what I love most (and despise most) about my wonderful husband. He is totally honest with me. He challenges me and makes me think. He allows me to be me and loves me anyways. He is confident enough in himself and our relationship to question my thoughts and beliefs. He opens my thinking up to different possibilities and sides of the coin. Granted, I find this incredibly frustrating and annoying, but, I am always more informed and enlightened.  

But, I digress…Extremism in politics. I think that most people fall in the middle 50% on the bell curve. It’s the 25% on either side that are typically the loudest. I think that we can identify with one extreme more closely than the other, but it doesn’t mean that they encapsulate our feelings fully. This is why I find Bill Maher uncomfortably funny and why I find Rush Limbaugh a pompous asshole. Its all about balance. This is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jon Stewart. Yes, he leans left but is always willing to take the joke over the political stance. Every night we try and watch the Daily Show together, and this has been our routine for almost 9 years. I know, it sounds so romantic doesn’t it? You are jealous right now. Its understandable. We are just that adorable.

P.S. I found the picture on Google and it was funny. As usual, please dont sue me.

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