Wednesday, October 17, 2012

America is having sex.

We are a HIGHLY sexualized society...we sell beer with ads of bikini-clad women, Brad Pitt looks all handsome and tells us to buy Chanel No.5, we have commercials touting the wonders of his and her lubricant (I assume to be used in recreational sex). I don’t know if you have been out to a bar on Halloween lately, but there is a whole demographic of slutty nuns, nurses, witches, princesses and even a slutty Elmo. Should I even mention the millions of copies of Fifty Shades of Grey that have been sold in the past year?
With all of this pervasive sexuality continually permeating the American culture, how are we so prude when it comes to the use of contraceptives and practice of reproductive choice?? I am seriously confused on this subject. On one hand we are saying, sex is fun, sex makes us look cool, sex is desirable, everyone is doing it. But on the other hand, we are saying, please don’t make contraceptives available to a young population, please don’t make contraceptives affordable, please don’t make contraceptives covered by insurance BUT please don’t screw up and accidentally get pregnant, because we will legislate the fuck out of your uterus.
It's 2012. People are having sex. Lots of sex. People use contraceptives (at least the smart ones and the ones not looking to have a child). The population is growing at a crazy fast rate...why add more to the number? Let’s make contraceptives affordable, pervasive and necessary. Let’s stop conception where it begins, at the tip of a condom. Why is this an argument??

Next WTF topic: Why cut funding for pap smears, mammograms and women’s health services?

1 comment:

  1. This is so true!!!! I take care of these women, so this is a topic that is very important to me :)
