Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sugary sweet with a cherry on top!

They say all you need is love, and I think they were right. These kiddos make my heart melt and bring a smile to my face everyday. I am so very thankful that Ella and Ben have such amazing friendships at such a young age. These kids are so much fun to watch as they explore the world around them. Thank you, Holly & Van for being such wonderful friends and raising such sweet and loving (and totally adorable) kids.
He is a swing addict! I wish I had one in my kitchen while I cook dinner.

They should have a Brangelina name...
Natalie + Ella = Nella or Ellie

They call this their "funny face".
Awe, sweet Tai.
He may have a crush on me, its understandable.

Hey, ladies, whats up? Party in my crib later...

These two are attached at the hip!


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