Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why Donald Trump doesnt look so bad this week.

My intention was to write a happy, upbeat blog, but Richard Mourdock, a Senate candidate from Indiana had to open his BIG FUCKING MOUTH and spew inaccuracies and rhetoric that makes Trump’s latest circus sideshow act look profound. For those that aren’t following politics or the news or even a simple Twitter feed…Mourdock said that pregnancy resulting from rape was “an act God intended to happen.” Yep. God intended you to be raped and bear a child from your loins. God intended to put you in a situation that no person should ever EVER deserve to find themselves in and the child conceived is simply intended by God. So, everything happens for a reason and that reason is God intended. There is no blame placed on the man who committed a CRIME. There is no blame placed on the man who forcibly raped a woman, because after all, God intended this act. I have heard the term "God fearing", but surely this is not what that means. This is simply not my God.
Romney has indorsed this man. He made a television ad touting the virtues of voting for Mourdock. While the Romney campaign has chosen to distance themselves from the fray, they have not pulled the ad. In fact, he is standing by his endorsement of Mourdock. I have to wonder why Romney would support such a candidate, and after further research, this isnt the craziest shit that has spewed from Mourdock's mouth. In fact, this isnt even the craziest shit that has spewed from a Republican politician this year. Remember Todd Akin’s statement on “legitimate rape” and the ability for the woman’s body to “shut the whole thing down.” Yeah. This incredible need to pander to the Evangelicals and Tea Party has lets some whack jobs out on the loose, and it appears they feed on women and gross misinformation.
Is this really how America feels?? Are we really ok with politicians standing on a platform built on such extreme rhetoric and complete and total misinformation?? I suppose if the vast majority of American’s views align with these statements, then Romney is the best representative for America. I suppose it’s just not the America that I live in, not the America that I want to preserve, and certainly not the America I am proud to support.
In other news…this is the response President Barack Obama made last night on Richard Mourdock’s statement:
"Let me make a very simple proposition. Rape is rape. It is a crime. And so these various distinctions about rape don't make too much sense to me, don't make any sense to me. This is exactly why you don't want a bunch of politicians, mostly male, making decisions about women's health care decisions," Obama said. "Women are capable of making these decisions in consultation with their partners, with their doctors, and for politicians to want to intrude in this stuff often times without any information is a huge problem."
Mr. President, thank you for your straight forward and decisive position on this statement. Thank you for protecting women’s voices, the medical field and the sanity of the American voters.
I cannot overstate how important this election is for the rights of women in America.

Thanks for reading. xoxo

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