It the most wonderful time of the year…my ass. I am just not
a fan of the holidays, more specifically Christmas. Thanksgiving is ok. Its not
that I am impervious to the smell of blue spruce or the twinkling of lights or
the jingling of bells and the added pep in ones step; I just don’t subscribe to
the magical nature of the season.
I am not religious. Therefore the “Jesus is
the reason for the Season” and “Keep the Christ in Christmas” yard signs just don’t
resonate with me. If Jesus is the reason for the season, then why so much emphasis
on a big fat man in a plush red suit, or a reindeer with a glowing nose, or that
damn Toys R’ Us catalogue?? I am confused. Did two holidays get all mixed and
mashed up in one? It’s a birthday party and EVERYONE gets presents!?
This brings me to presents…the very bane of my
holiday existence. I like pretty things, I like giving pretty things and I like
receiving pretty things. I like to see a HUGE smile sweep across my daughter’s
face as she opens a gift that she has been nagging and pleading coveting.
I like to surprise my husband with a perfectly thoughtful gift that he didn’t even
know he wanted. I like splurging on a weird gift for my dad, or a funky piece of
jewelry for a friend. I like hunting for the perfect gift for my mother-in-law.
I do not, however, like being MANDATED to buy everyone a freaking gift just because
convention and the “magic of the season” dictates that I do so. And now, it seems it can’t
just be one gift, there must be several gifts exchanged. It’s all too much.
Too many traditions, too little time. OMG. My
husband is a holiday traditionalist. If we do something one year, we must do it
every year or risk ruining a tradition…its exhausting. Growing up, Christmas
was a truly magical time of year for his family. They LOVED the pomp and
circumstance, the decorations, the baking, the giving and receiving of gifts.
30 years later, I have acquired a Christmas torch that I am just not worthy of
carrying. It too heavy. Too monumental. Too much history is in this torch and
quite frankly, I cannot live up to the magic that this torch requires. I try my best throughout the season to continue old traditions and create new traditions
that work with our new little family, but find myself continually falling
short. If there are 20 traditions and I drop ONE ball, it ruins the holiday
thus negating the other 19 things I worked my ass off to create. Its stressful,
exhausting, and quite frankly I can’t make anyone happy.
The consumerism of it all…can we say complete
over consumption of things we do not need?? I mean seriously. We are not a “toy”
house. We are not overflowing with gizmos and gadgets and lights and whistles
and bins of shit that are never opened. We have a couple amazingly loved toys
that make Ella happy for hours. Her favorite: A 1980’s Fisher-Price Family
House with all the accessories, a baby doll, and another set of 1980’s
playground dolls passed down to her from a family friend. That’s it. She LOVES
them. I love that she is so creative in her play and can be so immersed in the
world she has created. I don’t need more clutter. In fact, I love the idea of
boxing up old toys and donating them to a women’s shelter. We are starting that
this year and Ella is excitedly collecting toys that she wants to donate for other kids to
enjoy. She makes my heart happy with her kind and generous spirit.
My sweetpea last year when she fell in love.
My holiday season would be perfect if I could
collect all my family and friends from all corners of the US and bring them
together for the day. I LOVE my family. All of them. Even the crazy ones, the
stubborn ones, the type-A ones, the young ones, the old ones and even the bible-beaters.
They all have a special place in my heart and have helped shaped me. I am so
very thankful for the lessons, the stories, the guidance, the support and the
love…the intangible GIFTS that each person in my life has given me. These are
the gifts that I feel so very grateful for. I feel blessed beyond measure and
do not need any amount of stocking stuffers to prove my love. I would rather
spend money on plane tickets to connect with each other in person, perhaps over
a pitcher of margaritas -not on gadgets and gizmos. I am grateful for all the
people in my life and for the time, thoughts and money they put into gifts for
the season, but I find it unnecessary. Just knowing I have the love, support and friendship is more than I could ever dream of. Thank you for all those people in
my life- I love you all. Oh, and keep a look out for the UPS guy, your
Christmas presents will arrive shortly.
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