Why didn’t Republicans win the Presidency? Because of white
Republican males.
When asked, “Who do you feel has your best interest in mind”
in the exit polls on Tuesday only 18% of the voters answered Romney. EIGHTEEN
PRECENT! Romney won each of the three other questions. But, the lack of
compassion towards women, Hispanics and young adult vote lost the presidency. I
am not blaming this on Mitt Romney specifically, it could have been any one of
the Republicans, but the party as a whole is simply unable to make the
electorate truly believe that their specific best interest is at heart.
I am a woman, so I will start the conversation here: Women
make up 53% of the voting public. That’s the MAJORITY of the electorate. (We
only represent somewhere around 17% of elected officials in government, but
that’s another story for another day…) So where did Republican lose the women
vote? Well, since taking control of the House in 2010, Republicans have repeatedly tried to restrict women's healthcare initiatives. At every level of government, contraceptive rights have come under attack from a party hell-bent on sending women rights back to the Dark Ages. Please understand; a war against women’s reproductive rights is an all-out attack against women. It was only the availability of the birth control pill in 1960 that freed women at last from the lack of reproductive choice. The Republicans have made their aim clear: to catapult women's rights back by decades – and keep women as second-class citizens.
The GOP’s greatest travesty
was affirming to defund Planned Parenthood. Republicans want to eliminate the
Title X Public Health Act – a nationwide program that currently provides access
to health care for low-income women since 1970. (And this wouldn't just put an
end to Family Planning for those that need it most; Title X also provides
cancer screenings and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.)
This complete assault on women’s rights prevented an entire
demographic from even listening to the Republican platform on economy, foreign
policy, immigration, education or job growth. It was like the Republicans
placed cute, pink, frilly blinders on many women that may have actually found
Republican ideas more congruent with their own beliefs. Simply because women must continue to fight for their rights as WOMEN, we were practically prevented from listening to any other part of the debate. Until white male Republicans can back off the ‘eff off and stop making scientifically incorrect and ASSININE comments, it will be nearly impossible to create a more detailed and diverse discussion. It is 2012 and we are still debating the most basic of rights. Republicans, please trust women to join the discussion on the economy, job growth and education. Allow women to pay attention to the campaign as a whole and stop forcing us to use all of our focus and energy protecting our rights as humans (whom just happen to have the ability to create life). If the Republicans decided to stop legislating the uterus they would have a fighting chance.
The Democrats did an excellent job of focusing on the War
Against Women and keeping it on the forefront of the election conversation. The
slogan “Romney/Ryan/: Wrong for Women” - was an excellent tactic. Well played,
Dems. I know the Republican views on women’s rights totally kept my husband
from voting for Romney. We all know that politics is nothing more than a game
and this strategy worked pretty damn well. Obama campaign, you sunk the U.S.S.
The only consolation is that these archaic patriarchal
policies guaranteed a second term for Barack Obama. Please do not become complacent;
the declaration of war against women is not over. We are simply in a 4 year
lull until the next attack.
One FB friend astutely updated: I just hope we learned this from this election:
Male, White, republican elected officials should STOP talking about rape,
women's bodies, abortion, and pregnancy.
So sad and so
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