Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Ode to '90's Rock.

Growing up I always wondered why my parents listened to Allman Brothers, CCR, Grateful Dead and such. It was the eighty’s and ninty’s and they were still stuck listening to what is now “classic rock”. I get it now. Today’s music sucks…or at least most of this shit they are playing on the radio passing off as the “newest hits”. That shit sucks. Hard.
I am what my husband would call- a huge nerd. I cannot listen to the fast paced chatter and commercial advertising on the radio. I listen to NPR almost exclusively. I am not trying to sound like some nerdy elitist snob who wears an ascot while waxing poetic…but my brain just cannot handle all the incessant NOISE! I need more focus and direction than Rhianna can offer me.
Lately, however, I have been listening to Pandora more often. Would you like to take a guess at my favorite station?? Nope, not DMB (too much Collective Soul). Nope, not Bob Schneider (too much Jack Johnson). Nope, not Michael Buble the Holiday collection (but good guess).

Answer: Bush. Yep, Bush radio. It is a heady blend of Gavin Rossdale, Scott Weiland, Dave Navarro, Chris Cornell and Anthony Keidis. Oh, man, its like my ‘90’s ultimate 6-some?? That just sounds complicated and messy...but, you get the theoretical idea.
 A gratuitous picture, just because I can. Enjoy.
Ella was annoyed by my musical choices this morning and complained that the songs were too “hard”. She went on to explain that she prefers Fresh Beat Band and her Ella Enchanted soundtrack. Perhaps she is a bit one-tracked too. After weeks on end of that kid crap music, I had to put my foot down. NO MORE FRESH BEAT BAND!! Headphones-that’s what she needs for Christmas. Pink ones. Then maybe she would use them and save me from singing Don’t Go Breaking My Heart for the 13,645 time. I wake up with that damn song in my head.
Anyways, I just wanted to share my love of ‘90’s rock. It makes me so happy. I have a lot more ‘90’s love to share, but that will be another post for another time. As for now, Alice in Chains is on…and you know we ain’t gonna die…oh no, no, we ain’t gonna die.

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