Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 19th: Susan: California or Bust!

I love December.

I love the emphasis of creating warm, welcoming and decorated homes in preparation for Christmas.  I love creating Christmas shopping lists and obsessing over the perfect gift for the 23 members of my family.  I love putting Christmas cards together and the occasional book or calendar with photos from the year.  While preparing for Christmas can consume every spare hour for me, I do find time to count my blessings and reflect on the beautiful year.  2013 has truly been a crazy year; and, it will go down as one of the best.
I married my angel boyfriend of 6 years on March 23rd.  We had an amazing wedding in Dallas and a fabulous honeymoon to California in April.  We had major life decisions to make over the next few months…Now that we were married, should we buy a house in Dallas?  Should I continue with my management position at the company where I worked for 4 years?  Should my husband continue acting and performing comedy in Dallas (where he was successful and knew everyone)?  Or, was this the time try Los Angeles?  We talked about LA for years, as this would be the best place for his career in voice-over acting and comedy.  LA would also be great for my career in a digital field.  Do we even discuss a plan for kids in the coming year(s)?  If so, maybe this would affect where we should live.

We spent April, May, June and July constantly thinking about our future.  While these months brought many blessings (beautiful birthdays, family reunions and vacations), we had some looming decisions that could have major impacts on our lives.  Whatever we chose to do, we wanted our parents and families to be proud of us.  We wanted to set ourselves up for major success.  It’s so hard to know what situation would bring the most success.  But, we went with our “gut” (which for us, is largely influenced by weighing pros/cons so that our gut feels good) and decided to move to Los Angeles.  Why not?  We are still young (30 and 31 are young, right?).  We do not have children.  We have to move out of our apartment building (at least one should after 6 years).  Now was the time.

As we enter December, we have been in LA for three months.  Making the big move was the right decision for us.  Weeks 3 through 8 had their moments of difficulty; but we talked ourselves out of fixating on this.   We have
each other and a great support system that are a phone call/plane trip away.  We are trying to be successful and are well on our way.  I am a producer for a digital agency in Glendale.  My husband is doing voice-over work for talent agencies in LA and Dallas.  We have a beautiful home.  The change has not been as difficult as I imagined.  The hardest adjustment for me is definitely the distance from my family; but I am making it work.  We talk regularly and I have even seen them a couple of times.  Times spent together seem more valuable; and we say, “I love you” more often than ever before.  Absence does make the heart grow fonder.

My husband and I are trying something and we might like it, or we might not.  It doesn’t really matter.  I just want to look back at all of this one day and know that we tried.  So, as we enter this holiday season (and, I am in the spirit of reflection), I am so happy with the blessings and milestones of 2013.   Some blessings brought challenges and uncertainty, but we got through these things together and have added new experiences to our year’s accomplishments.


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